Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Birthdays are for Kids

My birthday is coming up in the next few days. I only announce it because I’m training Marin to say “Mommy’s 38.” Which is a lie, but I just like it better that way. There are birthdays that are exciting but after a certain age they kind of lose their appeal. Any birthday when you are a kid is great. Turning 16 and getting your driver’s license is huge. 18 and you can vote and go to college. 21, of course, is the magic drinking age. I’m currently between the ages of “yes, my insurance rates have dropped” and the next big one, the dreaded senior discount.

I want Botox for my birthday.


Stacie said...

Happy Early Birthday! I agree, Birthdays (and Christmas) are for kids.

Even at almost 30 (this August), I could not agree more that birthdays are for kids. There is almost 0 appeal to them now.

84thProblem said...

I'm quite sure you didn't wait until you were 21.

bernthis said...

I will never acknowledge my birthday again. I will be 44 forever

Lesley said...

lol....that is soooo true....after I say's over!

J. said...

I can totally relate. I'm currently holding at thirty-five.

Deb S. said...

You need to aim lower. I've decided I'm holding at 29 and my mom says she's holding at 39. 29 was a good year and continues to just get better. Have a wonderful birthday and I promise I won't tell anyone how old you are.

Farmers Wifey said...

Well happy birthday you young foxy mumma xx

Jack said...

Odd. Mrs. Bulldog is holding at 39. I guess it's more common than I thought.

Happy birthday.

S said...

I'm betting birthdays in one's 90's get to be special again, especially if you make it into the 100's. But we'll never get there if we stay 29/39;)