Monday, June 23, 2008

Safe Bug Spray for the Whole Family

I have been making bug spray. Mosquito repellent, more specifically. Not quite as odd as making other pesticides like maybe, home-made Raid.

I started making my own because I didn't want to expose my kids to all the toxins in the sprays that stores carry. I didn't think too much about the chemicals I was spraying on my children until I read the label on a Off Skintastic bottle. When I read that you were supposed to immediately wash it off with soap and water upon returning indoors, I suspected that it probably wasn't good for them.

That led to more research on the hazards of DEET and I decided to make my own non-toxic alternative. It's a combination of essential oils so it's safe and it smells nice. I am designing a small ad that will be on here at some point, but for now send me an email if you have an interest in ordering. It's priced at $10 plus3.50 shipping.


Anonymous said...

Skeeters, eh? How 'bout them there gnats? Will it keep them at bay, too?

Lisa said...

In theory it should work for gnats and biting flies. I haven't noticed any gnats around when I have had it on so I think it keeps them away. I did notice them before making the spray however.

thrice said...

I like the packaging.

Anonymous said...

I'll test it out in my garden in the late evening. My legs get chewed up everytime I'm out there trying to do some last minute work.

Anonymous said...

I love it, love it, love it. Spent all day on the trail, reapplied bug bites!!

texaslauren77 said...

I found your site via the BlogHer netword, and when I saw the bug repellant picture, you really caught my attention. I live in Austin, TX, and when I take my dogs out after work in the evening, the mosquitos around here have mistaken me for a free blood bank! It's a wonder I don't have west nile or malaria or some other creepy mosquito disease yet! Can you give me a general idea of what kinds of oils are in your spray? Not that I want to duplicate it, I just have allergies to lots of things, and would want to check first! Thanks! :)