Friday, June 27, 2008

At Least I Wasn't Holding a Power Tool at the Time...

You know how you sometimes do something that you know in the back of your mind is going to lead to trouble, but you ignore common sense and do it anyway?

Today I was having trouble opening a door that had swollen at the base due to the humidity. I tried pulling with no luck. Then I tried pulling even harder, but it still wouldn’t budge. I gave it a couple of kicks thinking that might jar it loose. Still nothing. I then decided that the solution was to grab the knob and yank repeatedly as hard as I could, using all my weight. During that final jerk, I had a brief thought flash through my head that MAYBE that wasn’t the smartest thing to do. That thought was almost the exact same second that the door flew open causing me to body slam into the wall and ultimately hit the floor.

I just consider myself lucky that there weren’t any witnesses.


J. said...

Boy, that pretty much sums up every major decision I've ever made.

Skye @ Planet Jinxatron said...

But then you tell people about it on the internet, so that's cool. :)

Lisa said...

Skye, you're right. For some reason it's just fun to tell but I wouldn't want anyone to SEE. Doesn't really make sense, huh?

Mrs. Schmitty said...


Skye @ Planet Jinxatron said...

I think it makes perfect sense, actually. When people SEE it, they might think it was funny and laugh AT you, and you didn't do it on purpose. When people read it, you're writing about it on purpose, so any laughter is a sign of how entertaining you are!

Anonymous said...

Like balancing coffee, just as you think, "this might spill", the cup is already tumbling and splashing.

Lisa said...

Just so everyone knows, I'm used to people laughing AT me...

Anonymous said...

You mean little people laugh at you?