Monday, January 29, 2007

Saying it Like it Is

Yesterday morning, I overheard my four year-old, Katie, fighting with her five year-old sister. Evidently Claire was encroaching on the little one’s space.
“Get away from me. I don’t like the smell you have.”

Wouldn’t be nice if we could say stuff like that as adults?

1 comment:

Princess said...

This reminds me of my 4 1/2-year-old grandson. We were at a friend's house and he was enjoying the fish swimming non-stop in the aquarium. I noticed he kept referring to the fish as He. I asked him: "Jacob, how do you know if a fish is a He or a She?" Without hesitation he said: "He is not a he or a she. He's a fish!" End of conversation.
Saw your site at the 2000 bloggers and I'm glad I dropped by. Had a great time reading your posts.
Thank you.